The hilarious comedy duo, Girls Gotta Eat, comes to The Wiltern on Saturday, February 19th, 2022. Buy your tickets now and come along to a show where Rayna and Ashley candidly discuss any and all dating-related topics from sexual fetishes to how to share finances, and general girl talk from self-care to what and when is the best time to post on your insta. Want sex tips? Relationship advice? F*ckboy detection? Then this is the show you need to be at, these girls have got you covered.
Girls Gotta Eat is a comedy podcast about dating, sex, and relationships hosted by yours truly, Rayna Greenburg and Ashley Hesseltine. They, bring in regular guests including therapists, comedians and authors to assist, and highlight to the hilarious and dedicated audience with a different segment each week. They believe in self-care, the power of female friendship, and never ever settling for bad sex. Not only that, but they love nothing more than bringing their wild show on the road and meeting all the "SNACKHEADS" around the globe, and here we go again!
Why do guys just want to f*ck you once, then watch your Instagram stories until the end of time? How do you get over a breakup when you feel like you’re going to die? When should you give it up? My boyfriend takes morning baths: IS THIS WEIRD? These are all questions answered on Girls Gotta Eat. Girls Gotta Eat is a top comedy podcast on iTunes, has been reviewed as “life-changing” by thousands of listeners, and the live shows have had record-breaking sellouts in cities all across the US.
At this show, Ashley, Rayna, and special guests will answer all those burning questions about sex, dating, and relationships in a one-of-a-kind, interactive experience. No one leaves without a fresh outlook on dating and at least one new ab from laughing.
The Wiltern
3790 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, California, 90010, United States